#24. 9 Parenting Tips From My Inner Caveman – FRIDAY REFLECTIONS

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Welcome to this episode of Friday Reflections by Dad.Work! 

Every Friday I share the best of what we have been doing in the Dad.Work community, to provide perspective, new ideas, and motivation for you to continue on your journey to becoming the best man, partner, and father you can be.

This week we talk about 9 parenting tips from my Inner Caveman, including:

1. GO OUTSIDE – Less screens, more dirt.

2. MOVEMENT + CLOSENESS – Walk or carry. No stroller. Cosleep. Embrace. Do hard stuff.

3. BUY AND CONSUME LESS – Strollers, rockers, noisy toys, excess food, plastic junk – not necessary.

4. TOOLS + SKILLS – Teach building, hard work, and creating things, not comfort.

5. BODY AWARENESS – Notice stuff, don’t rely on doctors to diagnose.

6. NERVOUS SYSTEM REGULATION – Yell, play, stomp, fight, breathe.

7. CONNECT – With no distractions.


9. COMMUNITY IS SACRED – Build it, nurture it.

What about you? Does your inner caveman have any other tips? Let me know!

Curt Storring 0:00

Welcome to the Dad.Work podcast. My name is Curt Storring, your host and the founder of Dad.Work. Today is another Friday reflections for November 26 2021. And we are going to go into my nine parenting tips from my inner caveman. This is an interesting discussion, the inner caveman is an archetype that you can call on to make decisions that are more grounded, that feel more right that feel like you are a human, not simply an automaton in the inertia of the modern world. I'll talk more about what this means in the actual episode. But there's nine points here that are not the most popular when it comes to how people are typically parenting or raising their kids right now. And so I wonder how this lands with you? Is it triggering, or maybe you have more tips from your inner caveman, I'd love to know, in the episode, I say that if you'd like to send me some more of your inner caveman tips, please send me an email Curt at Dad dot work, I would love to hear them. And similarly, if this triggers you, please let me know as well. This is the nine parenting tips from my inner caveman coming right up. But first, I want to invite you to two things. Next week, we start our next group of the Dad.Work men's group for fathers. This is a small intimate group of men who will meet for eight weeks, once a week, two hours on Zoom will be going through processes to have you learn more about yourself to go deeper, and find out why you do some of the things you do and how to heal and grow from those things. You will have a space to share openly with the other men in the group getting their feedback and support and even be challenged by them. There is nothing like sitting in group with other men being seen being heard, that moves your life forward. At least in my experience, this has been the single best thing that I've ever done in my healing and growth journey is to join a men's group. And that's why we're doing this here. And it's only for dads. So it's gonna be a beautiful container, we'd love to have you involved. If you're interested, you have to apply. And I will get in touch with you to do a call before you join. I like to have a call with each man to be sure that we're both on the same page and that we're both going to be beneficial to one another. If you are interested in this, you can apply on the website, the website is dad dot work slash men's dash group dot work slash men's dash group, find all the details there including a link to apply. We start next week. And there's just a few days left to get in on this next batch. Yes, we are going over the holidays. And that is on purpose. Because a lot of us need that extra support over the holidays, we need a way to decompress to get the things off our plate. So we don't take them to our family, which might cause some issues. And if you don't have a group of men in your life, this is probably the perfect time to dive in. There is an investment, there's a cost, there's a cost in finances, there's a cost in time, there's a cost and energy and effort. And this is designed to change your life. So if that sounds great, head over to dad.org/ Men's dash group. The second thing I want to let you know is that we are doing a workshop. It's the new year new dad workshop helping you prepare your goals and your vision for 2022. If this is something you're interested in, I invite you to join our two hour workshop. You can go to dad dot work slash workshop. That's Dad dot work slash workshop and sign up. It's only 10 bucks, I'll send you the recording if you can't make it live. So don't worry about that. And yeah, we're going to be walking through a system that I use to set my goals and to make sure that I'm actually aligned with my values and my vision, as well as how to actually achieve those goals. Because that's the biggest problem with most people, you can set them and then how do you actually go about doing them? Well, they're going to talk about all of that. So you can set up 2022 As your best year yet as a man, partner and father. With all that being said, Please enjoy the nine parenting tips from my inner caveman. Here we go.

Today we're going to talk about nine parenting tips for my inner caveman. This might sound a little bit funny, you might be wondering what the inner caveman is. And I'm gonna explain that to you. And I can go through nine of the things that came up for me when I called on this archetype in my own body. And so my wife has this thing that she asks herself to make decisions when things are feeling out of alignment or when there needs to be more groundedness when life is seemingly taking over, and you just need to go like okay, what actually matters right now. And the basis of this is that we are human beings we have lived as human beings for many, many, many years. And it's only recently that we have found ourselves in a modern society. And so, we often do things or think that things are important that are not actually important and it gets away from our fundamental humaneness our humanity and we are much closer to to cavemen if you will, then we are from wherever we are right now. And while there is growth and while there is human potential arising in many ways, we still have to respect the fact that we are all out At our core, built for living a life that is much more closely related to nature, and the earth, and the things we typically don't see or interact with much, these are the things that give us a sense of all. I talked about this last week in the podcast, as well as Instagram, I am really trying to cultivate this sense of awe because it helps me to drop into more of a humble spot in relation to everything else in the world and the universe, and just helped me to make better choices so that I don't get too high on my horse thinking that I'm better than I am that I don't know why on limits, and it just allows, I think, for a more peaceful, natural life. And so when things are feeling out of whack when you're not sure how to approach things in modern society, whether you think like, Oh, should I just go along with this? This is what everyone else is doing? stop and consider what would your inner caveman have you do? What feels right? Can you actually find this inner caveman archetype within yourself? Or is it difficult? Has the modern world really, really got you in its gears, the rat race? And have you lost connection with this person? So I highly suggest you cultivate your relationship with this inner caveman, because there's a lot of wisdom there that will have you feeling more grounded, more calm and less at the whim of just the speed of everything these days, constant news cycles, constant addiction to phones and social media. It's just, it's tiring. It's not a life I want to live. And so I thought to myself, what are the parenting tips that I can get for my inner caveman because these are really fundamental things that I believe strongly helped me to raise better kids than I would without this archetype helping me along. And so here are the nine tips that I came up with for my inner caveman. I'd love to hear what you think if there are a few more that come up for you let me know I want to hear them. Email me, Curt. See you RT at da di W O RK Kurt at Dad dot work. We'd love to hear what else you come up with. I will share them I'll add them to this list. Because I want to know, I want to know what your inner caveman thinks is important. The first one is go outside. That's less screens, mortared.

I think this is just so fundamental. If you have ever gone outside and felt better, you'll know that this is truth. There's, there's no two ways about it. You get out of the grind, you go outside, you feel your feet on the ground, you see the sun hit your eyes, you feel it on your skin, you touch a tree, you breathe in that wonderful air from outside. And everything gets perspective. You feel better, it's calming. It's just so so good for you. And we all apply this to our children as well. My kids play outside all the time. They rarely do screen time. It's very limited. And it's just because it's better to go play they know that they feel better their bodies need that release. And particularly when it comes to getting dirty, like this is hard for me because I still have some, you know, cleanliness, perfectionist tendencies, I want to control everything, I don't want to clean up all the time. And yet, when they're getting dirty, they're not having a care in the world. They're just playing, they're just being there. So in the moment, they're not worried about anything else. It's just fun. And this sort of like basic connection to nature is so fundamental to the development of children and of humans, that I think we ought to practice a little bit more. So go outside, get your kids outside, do more of that, put the screens down, take a breath of fresh air and see how much more calm and grounded you feel afterward. The second one is movement and closeness. Get your kids to walk or carry them. Don't use a stroller as often as possible. CO sleep, embrace your kids do hard stuff. And so the reason that I had movement and closeness here is because on the one hand, we ought to get our kids to move and do stuff and walk. Like we rarely use a stroller and our youngest is not yet to he and every other one of our kids has walked pretty much from as soon as they could. And yes, this takes extra time. It takes more planning, it takes more patience and calm. But the amount of times I see kids were like five or six, sitting in a stroller like Man, you've been able to walk for years, and they're usually like on an iPad sometimes. And I get it people are just trying to make ends meet. They're trying to get places quickly. They're trying to navigate a schedule. But like what else in your life is causing you to rush around so much? What are you prioritizing? Like allow the kids to walk show them that they can do stuff, allow them to be free and explore and become curious because the alternative is they stopped thinking that they can do things they start expecting other people to do things for them. And that I think is a huge issue. It's like an entitlement issue that I see happening a lot these days. So can you kiss to walk and if they're tired, carry them that closeness is so important for you for them for their nervous system for CO regulation. Yes, it's more work but carry them it's also healthy. So try to limit the stroller. cosleeping look, there's a lot of people who are like oh no, I sleep train my kids. You're a bad person for co sleeping, it's dangerous, blah, blah, blah, I think that's BS. I'm not a doctor, I'm not an expert, do whatever you want, I don't know how long you need to co sleep, we'll probably have a discussion once our youngest is two or older, and figure that out then. But for the first little while, at least, sleep with your kid, like we are so, so developed to be close to our mothers, when we're a baby, we get so much from our mothers as a baby. And so allow your child to have that connection. It is so important. I see this in men all the time, they didn't have that. And they're ungrounded, they are unable to be calm. Their nervous systems are dysregulated for many reasons, but I think this is a huge one, get that close time, feel the skin on skin, feel that CO regulation allowed them to feel safe. Because imagine, imagine you're this little thing, relying on everyone else around you. You don't have a developed mind or nervous system, and you're left in a crib cold all by yourself. And people even allow kids to cry, even crying to sleep like that. And I used to not think that's a big deal. I thought like, okay, you know, I want my own time, kids got to learn it. Because you know, that's just me, I can't deal with crying all the time, they need to learn how to fall asleep. And that's extremely selfish. It doesn't take a lot of work. It's not dangerous. Yes, there is a way that that sometimes gets in the way of feeling close to your partner, if you're sleeping together in the same bed. But get over, figure it out, find a way to find connection and intimacy. Otherwise, it's so important if you have young kids to allow them to sleep with you, I think, because again, it's just that close connection that we often lack, and embrace hug each other, like get close with your body. None of this, you know, far away, not hugging because it's not cool or manly or whatever, like oh, just hug your kids more, hold them, pick them up, carry them. My five, my six year old wanted me to carry him upstairs to bed the other day. And it's like, yeah, sure.

Like, let's do it. You know, you can walk, you can walk up the stairs, that's fine. And sometimes you just need to hold each other. And finally do hard stuff that is just like that's sort of beneath all of this, the walking that I was talking about before. Let them walk, let them explore, let them fall, let them get tired, let them experience all of that, that's going to be so important for them to build resilience going forward. The third point for my inner caveman is to buy and consume less. This is extremely important. These days, I think there's an overconsumption problem. And all you need to do is look at the amount of people who are overweight or obese. And it's an abundance problem. That is one of our challenges. As a society, we have spent the entire history of human kind being scarce. Scarcity was just the way that things went, you had to find your food, you had to hunt your food, you had to you know farm, when the agricultural revolution hit, you had to farm enough to make sure everyone could survive through the winter. And it's always been scarcity. And so if you had a lot, if you had abundance, then you ate it. If you found, you know, honey, and you lived in the woods or something like that, then you just scarf that down because you needed the calories you needed the abundance of that to get you through because you weren't sure when the next time you need would be. But today, everything's in abundance. And it makes so much sense that we want to eat and consume in abundance because oh my goodness, finally, it's here, we don't have to worry about the scarcity, this, it feels so good to our inner caveman that we almost have to have a conversation with him like, this is not healthy. And that's fine, I get why you want to consume all of this. But let's just pump the brakes a little bit because this is a reality. Now it's a life of abundance. And so this goes to food, as I just talked about. This is just a general health point. But like for your kids, it's okay to be hungry once in a while. They don't need to immediately get food when it's not mealtime. Allow them to feel that make sure you provide healthy full meals to them throughout the day. And not too much. And stress the importance of that show them in your own choices that you can eat enough to be satiated to survive, eat more whole foods and and teach your kids that as well. When it comes to buying and consuming less as well. Let's not even get into plastic. You know, they're, it's an amazing revolution. Having plastic, it changed so many things in this world for the better. And yet, this is just such a bad thing for both the environment as well as our ability to buy and fix good things. We just buy it and use it and it breaks we throw it away we get more. And there's just so much that goes wrong. When we when we just keep spending and buying like this. There's too much stuff I think that we ought create more than we consume. And man in this day and age. It's so so difficult. So that goes to things like toys, strollers, rockers, especially like noisy toys and toys and make a lot of flashing lights and stuff like that man, they don't need that that's overwhelming for their nervous system. They don't need to be constantly bombarded with stimulus by bouncing them or by playing noise. And like yes, it's easier sometimes if they're distracted but men is that anyone raise a kid distract them. You have one chance when they're small to build their nervous systems to establish secure attachment, don't distract them, allow them to be bored, uncomfortable, find their own way, be curious, do stuff by themselves. So buy and consume less is number three. And number four tip is tools and skills. You should teach your kids how to build, how to do hard thing, how to work hard, how to create things, allow them to learn how to actually do things in the world that will make them feel confident, and also help them in times of need. And this is in complete contradiction to comfort. This is where I think we are in a lot of trouble these days, we all want comfort. And because of the abundance, like I talked about just a moment ago, we think that's okay. And I think if more people were willing to build things and create things and do hard work and have skills and not be so dependent on everything around them, especially big government and things like that, if people weren't so expecting comfort, the current situation we have in this world would not be so dire. So

allow your kids to get messy to get dirty to break stuff to fix stuff. Help them along their way, whether it's woodworking or coating on a computer, or electronics or whatever it is a tree house, help them build, teach them the skills if you don't have them, find someone who does. I am currently looking out right now, for outdoor experts for hunting experts for fishing experts, because my kids are super interested in that. And I don't know what the first thing about it. And I'm reaching out to my network. I'm looking for coaches, coaches and mentors and people, my family who have this expertise, my friends. And this is something that I'm going to be going big on this year because I have right now, this ability to catch them when they're interested and teach them things that will last a lifetime. One of the things that I am most saddened about my own childhood is that I didn't learn a lot of skills from my dad, he was extremely handy. He built cars, he was a mechanic, he could build houses, like he built all of the basements in our houses, and he did all their own housework and everything like that he was so well versed in all this stuff. And for some reason he didn't take the time to pass it on to me. And that is one thing that I am saddened by. So if you have skills, teach your kids, it's not too hard, make them do this stuff, get them out there, make it fun for them, show them the benefits, there's a little bit of negotiation that might have to happen. But this is your job. This is your role as a dad, so teach them tools and skills that will serve them now. And in hard times. Who knows what's gonna happen, this world seems more unsure all the time. And, you know, I'm very optimistic about things most of the time, but I just want to be sure that we all have this ground level skills and knowledge of tools, so that when we need them, we're not the ones who are ransacking grocery stores because we have no skills. And we have no way to support ourselves if you know the big machine of the Western world stops working. So I think this is incredibly important today, and I am going all in this year. Number five is body awareness. A caveman wants me to be aware of my body to notice stuff, to be mindful to feel in my body where my emotions are physiologically showing up so that we can notice anger before it's a boiling point. And we have a breakdown before we yell. That's a very basic point of body awareness. But the other part is, how do you feel? How is your general health? When you're healthy? What does it feel like when something is wrong? Can you pinpoint in your body where that thing is going wrong? Don't rely on doctors to diagnose you should know when something's wrong with your body. And I know this is not a catch all. We can do this for everything. It's great to be healthy and to you know, go find medical help when you need it. But as a general rule, you should know when something's wrong. And if you have been stuffing your body with too much food, with crappy food with processed food, if you don't move if you sit at a desk all day, if you hurt all the time, if you're inflamed, man, like sort that out. Don't let this happen to your kids. Notice things because at the end of the day, again, like we talked about all the time, you are responsible for your life. Don't outsource that. Don't outsource it to doctors. don't outsource it to Big Pharma. Pay attention, feel what you feel. And that just allows you to be so much more mindful and calm and show up in a better way for your kids, for your partner for yourself. This is super fundamental guys. So if you are not aware of your body, meditate, breathe and notice, slow down once in a while and just see how you feel. Exercise more stretch, get up throughout the day, eat better. The number six point is nervous system regulation. This is something we talk about a lot. It's so so important. I think a lot of the issues in the world today are because most people's nervous systems are so out of whack. And our kids come out needing us to co regulate for them otherwise they will pass we will pass on to them our dysregulated nervous system and that leads to all sorts of pain down the line. This is a difference between having something happen to you and immediately reacting because you're in fight and flight all the time and the And then the alternative which is having a stimulus happen, having space, and then responding how you want to respond. This is also the difference between potential sickness, there's so much trauma and stress that lives in our bodies. If we are unable to regulate our nervous system to get these energies moving out of our bodies, it gets stored. There's a lot of books and writing and science on this. The Body Keeps the Score is one such book, get your kids to move their bodies to notice how their bodies feel when they are being presented with certain stimulus. Work on them with some basic mindfulness practices.

Let them yell, get that energy out, let them play, make sure they play a lot, play with them, have them stomp, have them shake their bodies out, have them do things that are dangerous, have them fight not in a hurtful way, but wrestle and roughhouse and be crazy like that their kids, have them breathe, allow them the gift of seeing what it looks like to breathe deeply into your body, and finding calm, get their nervous systems regulated. And this starts because they co regulate so much from us that starts with getting your own nervous system sorted. So meditate, do breath work, do all these kinds of things, move your body more, do sports shake out if something big happens and you're feeling stress, just do the things that it takes to get grounded in your nervous system. So you can pass it on to your kids. Number seven is connect with no distractions. In other words, this is basically quality time. And you've probably heard about that quality time versus quantity time, what are kids actually need, in my experience, it's so much better for your kids to get 15 minutes of 100% attention. At the end of the day, after your work day you come home, give them 100% attention for 10 or 15 minutes. This is so much better for them than if you lounge around on the couch for two hours. When you get home. You give them maybe 25% attention because you're on your phone, you're watching TV, you're catching up or whatever. That's like that's so much harder to because it's two hours and you're just it's two hours, and you're frustrated. And you're like oh, just leave me alone. I'm trying to give you attention. But I'm trying to do this. And this is important. If you just block out 10 or 15 minutes per person in your household kids partner, all of them and give them 100% attention with no distractions, this is going to go so much farther into making sure that you build that secure attachment so that they feel safe, seen and soothed. So they're secure with you, they know that you see them. And it has to be done with no distraction. So put the phone down, make a commitment to lower your screen time. I've gone into q3 of this year doing the same thing. I've successfully cut my screen time from four hours a day to two hours a day on my cell phone. And a lot of that is just a deciding and be making rules around it. So I leave my phone in my office downstairs at all times. It doesn't come upstairs, it doesn't go my pocket, I can never see it unless I'm in my office. And I do some work on it. You know, I post on Instagram post on Facebook, talk to people that way. And I still doubt it to two hours so it can be done. It's very important. Connect with no distractions. Number eight is freedom and adventure. Not safety. And much like the comfort point I think this is one of the most fundamental issues that we are seeing today is that people no longer value freedom and adventure. They value safety. This is so sad. Allow your kids to be free, allow them to roam free, allow them to do some dangerous stuff, some risky stuff, teach them how to make good decisions around this. Teach them not to be reckless, but allow them to have adventure. This is one of the most fundamental points of being a man being a boy, we need to have adventure we need to have something to look forward to we need to figure out whether we have what it takes to get through the adventure and the danger. This is a point in John Eldridge, his book Wild at Heart that I really like I picked this up the other day and read through it. It was just an amazing book, we need adventure. So let up on the leash you hold with your kids, give them the freedom to do stuff, make mistakes, learn from consequences, not from your constant control and punishment. They are free. They're going to do their own things. They're going to live their own lives, you are doing your own thing. And you probably had a lot of things happen to you when you were a kid, you probably did a lot of crazy things you probably had adventures and look at you now you were able to come back from doing that and live the life you're living now to become a better man, partner, and father. So don't tell them to be careful. They know that they don't want to get hurt. Stop telling to be careful.

Let them play. Let them have the natural consequences that come from doing hard things, adventurous things that make them feel good, make them feel confident and really nurture their souls as children. Number nine is community is sacred. Build it, nurture it. This one is one of the ones that I have not realized until recently. I was a lone wolf for most of my life. I thought I even remember telling my granddad a few years ago when we were having one of our regular meetings. We have lunch of a cigar often and I told him you know I don't need friends like why do you keep telling me about community network like friends? I don't need any of that. I'm I'm talking I'm good, I can do all this work on myself, by myself on myself, I'm alone, I'm super tough because I'm alone. I'm an independent man. Like, there's this idea in this society that to be a man, we need to be independent and do everything ourselves and never asked for help. That is so stupid. And like, I obviously empathize if you believe that, because that's what the culture and the environment says, we're all taught this, if you ask for help, you're a loser. You're a girl, you're a woman, you're weak. And it's BS. If you're not doing this with other men in your life, you are missing out, man, you are completely completely missing out, we again, going back to the caveman thing, you'd be in a village, you'd have a tribe, you'd be with other people in your group, they would all have your back, you'd never do things alone. And if you were alone, you'd probably die. That is the myth of the lone wolf. If a wolf is alone, it's not good for him. He's not the toughest Wolf, he's going to die. He's either going to die alone, because he's sick or hurt. Or he's been ostracized, and he's going to come back to find the, the, the pack afterward. It's not like he goes out and kicks ass kills a bunch of moose and stuff like that. Everyone's like, oh, man, I want to be a lone wolf to know he does. Okay, so lone wolf is not cool. It's not helpful as a man. And yeah, you got to get over the patterns, and the beliefs that were drilled into you from the society we live in. It's not the being independent and doing hard stuff by yourself is bad. It's amazing. It's a great part of particularly the you know, the American story. And we got to come back after we do those things and be in community, particularly for dads, particularly for kids, they have to have other people around, they have to see that other adults are safe. They're not to be scared. They're to be trusted with, of course, nuance and those decision making when it comes to trust. But men do things that have other people in your life, don't go alone, don't teach your kids to go it alone, teach them the joy, and the heartwarming feeling of having other people around. We are have been making a big effort to have people over for dinner regularly on the weekends, we invite our friends, we have our kids come of course, they're always around when this happens. And I have never felt so nurtured, as when I'm inviting people into my home and sharing life with them. The same goes for men's group, if you're not in a men's group, I 100% recommend you find one either locally, or you can apply dad.org/ Men's dash group that is our online men's group, it's a great place to start if you haven't found a place locally already. I know we talked about that in the intro, we are starting another group next week on Thursday, this is your very last chance to get involved with men's group here. And it can be a very good way to start the process of building community because yeah, it's hard. But if you do it in a safe, controlled setting facilitated with a few other dads, man, you can get a sense of just how important that is. And you can start to build that into your life. So if you're alone, Wolfing it, if you don't care about community, if you don't have that community, I know it's hard. But I strongly recommend that you find that invite people over be the one to do the invitation. I keep saying this because I on an upcoming podcast with David Stegman. He said that most men crave deep connection, but there's rarely an invitation to go there. So be the one to make the invitation. Know that it might be awkward, it might be weird, but just ask what's going on in your life, man, you want to hang out and you want to come for dinner, extend that invitation to people in your life, and see how it feels. It is unbelievable. And in fact, one of the things I've been thinking about lately is we want to get some land, we want to move out probably out of the city probably quite far away from the city into nature. And we don't want to do that alone. You know, right now we could we could go and buy a place probably a couple 100 kilometers away. It would be in the nature, we'd have acres, we'd have a house, and all this kind of stuff that we want. And it's like, let's actually not do that yet. Because the loss of community is not something I'm willing to live with. I would rather live somewhere that wasn't ideal in terms of the actual living circumstances. If it meant that I had access to a community, I would give up that perfect, idyllic acreage in the mountains. Simply because I value community at this stage in my life more than I value almost anything. This is real stuff. If you haven't experienced it before, I highly, highly recommend that you experience and make an invitation. Put yourself out there join a men's group.

Alright, that is all nine parenting tips for my inner caveman would love to hear if you're triggered by any of these. We'd love to hear if there's like a 10th 11th 12th point that you've got that if you talk to the archetypal inner caveman in your body, in your mind. What does he say? What does he want you to do as a parent? How does he want you to raise your kids? What points does he want you, your kids to know? What kind of inner caveman should your kids have a conversation with? What can they do? Can they connect with this guy? And this is so important and such a good way to make decisions in this modern age because yeah, we're not modern humans. We are still this basic kids. We grew up before so many, many, many, many years, millennia, as this person, we did not suddenly become this new like version of human. And that's probably why there's a lot of problems in the world today, this disconnect from who we are meant to be versus the world in which we have to live. And that's not our fault. We're gonna have to deal with it. And yes, the inner caveman is not the one in the prefrontal cortex, who is making all these decisions, which is why it's great that we're human, because we can actually have these conversations and not rely on just one thing or the next. We don't have to go along with the inertia of modern society, we can live in it mindfully in a way that serves us and our families and our kids. And everyone. So calling your inner caveman see what he needs from you. Make some changes, commit to it for the new year, starting right now. Take a moment, see what your inner caveman needs. And let me know Kurt at Dad dot work, yell at me if this is triggering you? And if not, let me know what a couple more points that I missed are. That's it for today. Please, would you if you're listening on Apple, and you like this, and you like me, and you want more men to hear this kind of stuff, please would you leave a review, it takes literally 30 seconds, go on the iTunes go on the iTunes app or the podcast app or whatever it is. Scroll down at the Dad.Work podcast and at the bottom where it says ratings and reviews, hit a star rating leave a review I would be so thrilled so grateful. And that will be one of the ways that you can serve the other men in your community which is at this point the world we've got people listening from all over the globe. serve your community by allowing this to get in the hands of more men if you think it's valuable. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you had an excellent Thanksgiving if you're in the States, and we will see you back here on Monday for another episode of the Dad.Work podcast

that's it for this episode. Thank you so much for listening. It means the world to find out more about everything that we talked about in the episode today, including Show Notes resources and links to subscribe leave a review work with us go to dad dot work slash pod that's di d dot w o RK slash pod. type that into your browser just like a normal URL, Dad dot work slash pod to find everything there you need to become a better man, a better partner and a better father. Thanks again for listening and we'll see you next time.

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